Have discovered the last 2 years over losing 50 pounds, gaining back 15, I know that what you eat, what you use for bodily energy, matters most. Physical activity is important, but as far as fat loss, many nutritionists will tell you the effects come from 80% diet, 20% exercise. Knowing what has worked for me in the past (a carb-free, sugar-free lifestyle) to lose fat, as I ease back into more conscious eating, these are my go-to snacks to stock up on, if you’re prone to munchies.

If you’re gonna snack mindlessly, out of stoned boredom, or legitimate hunger, these are actually beneficial to your body! Not to shame you from all junk foods entirely- I should know, totally clean eating is a massive challenge to sustain in the United States, the way our economic food system works. When shopping for snacks, these are some suggestions for easy to eat as is, ready for munching!


  • Broccoli is packed full of nutrients, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Raw or cooked, it is a consistent source of vitamin c, and perfect for dipping in hummus.
  • Cauliflower isn’t only broccoli’s pale cousin, with similar characteristics, but its inoffensive flavor goes great with a little pepper, or as another hummus dipper.
  • Carrots are great for beta-carotene, known to lower cancer risks, in addition to potassium, vitamin K, and a filling snack for weight loss, and actually come in a wide array of colors if you purchase at a local, organic farmer’s market.
  • Celery isn’t just water and fiber, but vitamins A, K, C, B6 and even protein! Try not to load them up with peanut butter, humus is tasty with celery too.
  • Baby bell peppers are the perfect size for snacking, and perfectly sweet and flavorful on their own- this versatile veggie aren’t just a snack, but an awesome additive to any meal. They’re loaded with key vitamins, and anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and appetite sating properties.
  • Hummus is usually made mostly with chickpeas and olive oil, but lots of other mashed veggies, like beets, or chopped kale to add some nutrient-dense variety to this healthy dip.


  • Berries, frozen or raw, can be low in carb, and pack a punch of vitamin C and antioxidants. They’re great for your skin, hair, inflammation. Frozen, these are an awesome summer treat akin to eating sherbet. Also, for those on keto, berries can lower cholesterol, important if you’re eating high levels.
  • Seasonal fruit is great, because buying your favorite produce year round has far reaching negative impacts on the environment and economy. If you’re buying local, seasonally grown fruits, you’re not adding extra carbon emissions from a far import, or contributing to a disruption of the natural harvest cycle. Ask your local farmers market participants what is the fruit to buy NOW!
  • Dates are extremely sweet, but they are packed full of fiber to help process that natural sugar. If you’re gonna go sweet, consider dates or their close cousins, prunes. Yes, the digestive system will feel it, but Americans especially need that extra fiber.
  • Lemon juice makes an excellent dressing for flavor on almost every kind of produce, in my opinion, and is a low sugar, vitamin-rich way to punch up a plain salad, if you’re really showing some good practice in your limitation of processed, sugary sauces.

Crunchy “non-chips”

  • Almonds are a healthy fat, best eaten raw and soaked in water for easier digestion, full of beneficial, energy-rich nutrients, and surprisingly great chip substitute with a little salt and pepper.
  • Popcorn doesn’t have an amazingly diverse nutrient profile, but has a lot of fiber, and will satiate you over a much poorer choice of chips. It’s whole grain without you even thinking of it as a healthy snack. Love a good tricky swap!

Herbal tea is great for keeping you feel fulfilled and getting some liquid a little more exciting than water. If I’m in a craving way and snacky, I always go for a mug of hot tea when it’s chilly or a glass of iced tea when it’s hot! Especially useful when trying ti kick the caffeine habit, which can increase your dependency and desire for sugar.

  • Peppermint tea is known to curb craving for sugar, reduce inflammation and bloating.
  • Ginger tea is great for sore muscles and nausea.
  • Chamomile can lower risk for heart disease, cancer, and improved sleep quality.


Posted by:kelseycalef

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